Rotten Techmatoes app

Rotten Techmatoes

UI/UX Design

This was a semester-long project for my CS 2340: Object Oriented Design class. We created an Android app where Georgia Tech students could rate and review movies. The app was developed in Android Studio. Movie data such as new releases, top rentals, and reccommended movies were taken from the Rotten Tomatoes API. User accounts were backed by a Firebase database. As the UI/UX lead on this project, I created use case diagrams, UML domain model, robustness diagrams, prototype flow diagram, and designed the UI with InVision and later implemented the screens in XML in Android Studios.

Link to Github repository:   GitHub

UI Flow Diagram

UI Flow Diagram

UML Domain Model

UML Domain Model

UML Class Diagram

UML Class Diagram

Final Prototype Screens

These were some of the first UI wireframes I've ever created, so the visual designs aren't that great. However, I did learn a lot about Google Material Design patterns. If I could redo the UI, I would definitely follow Material Design more closely, dictate a font system, and create a style guide for a more cohesive theme.